Ultra secure Smart Phone project Bitwings books IEO on ExMarkets

5 min readMay 27, 2019


Meanwhile, Bitcoin price is attacking $9,000 USD, ExMarkets Launchpad continues to onboard some of the most promising projects currently in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry.

Starting from June 3rd, the traders of ExMarkets will have the chance to become part of Bitwings — a crypto mining smartphone project, acquire BWN tokens and enjoy the benefits of being early supporters.

Antonio Millo, Bitwings CEO stated: “Exmarkets has was named the most popular IEO Launchpad by ICOBENCH, therefore Bitwings wanted to choose this exchange as a tool to sell and promote its token BWN.

Wings Mobile

The BWN cryptocurrency is issued by a company with a proven track record — Wings Mobile, a Spanish virtual mobile operator that has been in business since 2007. Wings mobile has an orientation to always strive for innovative solutions to build next-generation software for the public at large.

Over the last couple of years, smartphones have taken a vital part in our lifestyles; people are not only using them for communication but for financial and other everyday activities.

Bitwings is developing a platform to facilitate payments for cryptocurrency users and enable them to purchase goods and services online in a smooth and efficient manner.

About Bitwings and MinePhone (mine up to 2 ETH/month)

With a perfect commitment between quality, innovation, and price, Wings Mobile has earned the most prestigious ALCI Award for “Best Technological Design” in 2017.

Also, at the Mobile World Congress 2019, held in Barcelona this year, Wings Mobile proudly presented its innovative devices amongst named companies like Samsung and Huawei — Real companies showcasing Real products!

Wings W3, W6, and the trendy Mine phone Wx are the best creations of Wings Mobile. W3 and W6 are the first ever hybrid phones with technology. Whereas, Wx is the ONLY smartphone in the world until today that mines up to 2 Eth/month.

The cost of a MinePhone WX is always gonna stay at 6,000 BWN tokens. The basic package includes a free mining plan that can gross you up to 0.2 ETH per month.

However, Bitwings have offers in place for the more enthusiastic miners. At the moment, there are 3 additional mining packages which cost from 4–13 Ethereum and with the most expensive package can increase the hash power to 1000 Megahash per second. It will generate you a bit more than 2 Ethereum per month, resulting in a break-even period of 6 months. Refer to the visual representation below:

To safeguard its customers and provide an extra incentive to participate in the Bitwings IEO, also to purchase a Mine phone by using token Bitwings, the project is offering 4 guarantees to contributors:

  1. Protection from difficulty increase: If during the 3 years of the mining contract the Eth Difficulty increases so as to considerably reduce the original monthly profit, it will be possible to extract an alternative cryptocurrency.
  2. Protection from Ethereum mining protocol changes: If during the 3 years of the mining contract the Ethereum Mining Rules should prevent from reaching the original monthly profit, it will be possible to extract an alternative cryptocurrency.
  3. Theft protection: If during the 3 years of the mining contract the Mine phone Wings WX fails or is stolen, it will be possible to suspend the mining contract.
  4. Refund of money if Bitwings terminates operations: If for any reason the Service Provider could no longer provide the Service to the Customer, an assessment will be made of the ROI obtained by the Customer for the purchase of the mining eth contract, so as to proceed with a partial or total refund in value of Wings Mobile products.

Visit ExMarkets and open an account now and be among the first ones to participate in the IEO! Visit https://exmarkets.com/launchpad

Tokensale fundamentals:

  • IEO round I: 3rd of June — 10 of June
  • IEO Total tokens for sale: 2,200,000
  • Token ticker: BWN
  • Payment methods: BTC, ETH, EUR
  • Price: $0.09 in Round I
  • Blockchain: Ethereum
  • Token standard: ERC20
  • Softcap: 30,000,000 BWN
  • Hardcap: 189,000,000
  • Restricted countries: USA, Canada

Head over to ExMarkets and check out the trading action while you’re waiting for the IEO to start.

While a lot of crypto projects are just optimistic startups, Bitwings are backed by a real company with existing revenue streams and user base. MinePhone WX will instantly give a use-case for the BWN tokens while also providing an opportunity to mine cryptocurrencies while using the phone — a dream come true for the crypto investor.


The Wings Mobile company also provides another guarantee, in addition to the 4 offers for those who buy the mine phone WX. This guarantee allows you to always maintain the issue value of $ 0.20 as purchasing power for Wings Mobile products. Click here for more details.

See you when the IEO launches, mark your calendars for the 3rd of June.


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