Growing food and trust: Pro-active food marketplace project Farm2Kitchen goes for IEO on ExMarkets
Farm2Kitchen IEO will run on ExMarkets Launchpad from 2019–04–22 00:00:00 GMT until 2019–06–20 23:59:59 GMT
ExMarkets Team is excited to announce that we’ve onboarded one more project to our IEO LaunchPad. The buzz surrounding IEOs continues to gain momentum and we’re glad to be a part of it.
Late last week we have finalized a deal with Farm2Kitchen (F2K) project team and will be hosting their IEO for almost 2 months starting from April 22nd.
F2K tokens will be available in exchange for the two most popular cryptocurrencies — Bitcoin and Ethereum their respective IEO terminals on ExMarkets LaunchPad. The foodie project token F2K (ERC-20).
“Farm2Kitchen stands out from the general crowd as it has an active community and is looking to serve a noble cause for the betterment of society. We believe they will be a great addition to our LaunchPad and will do great.” — said Christof Waton, Chief Business Development Officer at ExMarkets Cryptocurrency Exchange and CoinStruction Liquidity Framework
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Farm2Kitchen is building a decentralized Farmer’s Market — the main effort is to create a system that tracks and ensures that consumers get only the high-quality food put on their table and are able to check who planted it, grew it, manufactured and supplied it.
No one is surprised that the food industry is one of the largest ones out there — a man has to eat! It is estimated that 64% of all consumers indicated that they are frequently looking for healthier dietary options.
Farm2Kitchen is offering a method on how to determine and be actively selective with a certain degree of confidence that you actually know what kinds of goods you are digesting — all with the help of the blockchain and its immutability.
The project has grasped a lot of public attention and has been covered by some of the biggest names in the media including the Business Insider and even the ever-fashionable Vogue.
Why is Farm2Kitchen relevant for today’s consumer?
- The consumer has a reliable way to trace the food products all the way to the farm they were cultivated on
- F2K provides the ability to identify the entire batches of affected, flawed or misproduced food and pull it off the shelf.
- Being an active participant in the F2K ecosystem will result in better margins to the food producer and reduce food waste as the supply and demand will be more balanced and in accordance with the actual consumption needs.
Moreover, Farm2Ktichen is appreciated by the blockchain and cryptocurrency community as well. They have more than 25,000 fans of Facebook and are well-reviewed by the web’s most popular crypto project listing sites: 4.0/5 on ICOBench, 5.0/5 on TrackICO and 9.3/10 on ICOMarks
Jump to ExMarkets and get accustomed to our LaunchPad environment in order to get ready for the action when the time comes.
“The immutability of data stored on Blockchain is increasing the consumer trust and confidence in the food they eat, despite the complex food supply chain from the farm to the grocery store shelves.” — Yogesh Kondaskar, CIO, Farm2Kitchen.
All in all, Farm2Kitchen offers an innovative solution to fight global food security issues identified by the World Food Program (WFP). Through blockchain utilization, they are creating a trustless platform in which no single entity controls the data and is able to manipulate it. And last but not least, they are starting their operations in Asia, the most densely populated region of the world with accelerating demand for healthy lifestyle and food options for that matter.
It looks like a definite top project for the 2019 H1.
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