Blockchain and Sports: the Line of Convergence brought by WFCE. IEO Confirmed on ExMarkets
5 min readOct 17, 2019


They say that Autumn is the best time for harvesting goods and preparing for the chores of winter. If we’re making conclusions based on IEO activity, the summer breeze has ended and people, projects, startups and investors are getting back to work.

It looks like every week we even more top-tier projects penetrating diverse industries coming up. And this week is no exception. We are glad to present to you guys the latest IEO which is closely connected to the world of sports. We know there are a lot of sports fans among ExMarkets users, this project might be something right down your alley.

WFCE or World Football Coin Exchange is the patient zero of the multi-step multi-sport architecture to tokenize the sports industry with a unique algorithm. Football Coin Exchange will serve as a stepping stone for the enterprise. It seemed like a natural selection after all, football is the most popular sport in the world.

WFCE is aiming to utilize the Blockchain Technology to give football clubs, memorabilia and collectibles producers a way to tokenize their assets, bring in new fans and entice the old ones by improving their overall sports experience.

The Initial Exchange offering of WFCE has started on October 15th, will consist of 3 rounds and should conclude on January 14th, 2020. WFCE tokens will be sold in exchange for Bitcoin, Ethereum or USDC.

  • Round 1: 15-Oct-2019–14-Nov-2019 | Price: 0.05 USD | Discount: 95%
  • Round 2: 15-Nov-2019–14-Dec-2019 | Price: 0.10 USD | Discount: 90%
  • Round 3: 15-Dec-2019–14-Jan-2019 | Price: 0.25 USD | Discount: 75%

“Our Project is unique and different from most Blockchain products. We wanted to be ahead of the game and think outside of the box by creating a product that utilizes Blockchain technology in its best way. IEO is a new way of conducting a fundraiser and the most secure method for investors to participate. Also, for general investors globally, IEO’s make it easier for more people to participate in the crowdfunding process.

The IEO partnership with ExMarkets also gives us a significant strategic alliance in the European market by centralizing the whitelisting process for our Project and streamlining regulatory compliance, making it easy for the KYC process.” — commented Michel Pacifico, founder and CEO of the WFCE project.

The sale is already live, so do not waste any more time, visit ExMarkets LaunchPad, open up an account (if you don’t have one by now) and acquire your share of WFCE tokens!

More about the WFCE Platform

The idea behind the WFCE came to Michel Pacifico back in 2014 when he conceptualized that a specially-tailored algorithm could influence the performance of a given team’s token throughout the year, based on individual games and team statistics, crowd attendance, different league tiers and so on — very similar to like stocks are influenced by market events.

WFCE platform can add gamification and engagement to the world of football and consequently other sports as well. Clubs will be able to increase the number of their supporters around the world, offer them exclusive deals and fan attractions.

The platform itself is structured to operate in the cloud environment as a decentralized and globally distributed architecture. It includes but is not limited to Cloud APIs, Bots, cognitive systems, security frameworks and proprietary in-house built WSCE algorithms, Smart Contracts and blockchain.

WFCE customers are serviced through a publicly accessible site and an ultra-secure trading environment and management tool that requires special access to enter it alongside an intuitive and easy-to-use mobile application downloadable on any smartphone.

Want to know more about the WFCE platform and its features? View the official explanatory video on Youtube.

Official project roadmap

Company Behind WFCE

WFCE is being developed by UssCyber, a U.S. registered enterprise which is dedicated to the delivery of the highest quality products on time. It has a definite focus to build solutions for the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry.

With the right tools and innovation in mind, blockchain can offer solutions to multiple industries ranging from finance to sports to entertainment. UssCyber concentrates on security, data protection and integrity through transparency to develop its platform for Sports industry tokenization.

Tokensale Fundamentals

  • Ticker: WFCE;
  • Starting price: $0.05 USD;
  • Listing price: $1.00 USD;
  • KYC: Yes;
  • Restricted countries: Iran, North Korea, Syria, Sudan, Cuba, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Belarus, Liberia;
  • Token supply: 138 billion WFCE;
  • Available for sale: 13.5 billion WFCE;
  • Softcap/hardcap: $100,000 USD / $10,000,000 USD;
  • Accepted currencies: BTC, ETH, USDC;
  • Blockchain: Custom;

Interested? Don’t waste any more time and visit the WFCE IEO terminal immediately. See you there, folks!


ExMarkets is a digital asset exchange platform powered by the state-of-the-art trading engine developed in-house. On the exchange, ExMarkets users can trade the most popular cryptocurrencies as well as gain the chance to participate in the token sales of the most promising blockchain and crypto projects through ExMarkets Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) LaunchPad.

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